Welcome Message

Welcome to the Homepage of the Secretariat, Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance (the Secretariat).

The aim of the Secretariat is to provide support to the Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance in overseeing the compliance by law enforcement agencies and their officers with the relevant requirements under the Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance (Cap. 589).

For enquiries, the Secretariat can be contacted at:

Address : Units 1501-1504, 15/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone : (852) 2834 3361
Fax : (852) 2573 2610
E-mail : enquiry@ciocsoffice.gov.hk

Accessibility matters

Access Co-ordinator : Senior Assistant Secretary (3)
Access Officer : Assistant Secretary (5)
Telephone : (852) 2834 3361
Fax : (852) 2573 2610
E-mail : enquiry@ciocsoffice.gov.hk